Saturday, February 18, 2012

Kliph Nesterhoff gives a thoroughly entertaining history of Archie Christian comics on his blog. An excerpt below:

"In Archie's Love Scene Jughead's pet Hot Dog stars in a story called God Spelled Backwards. Hot Dog fantasizes that he functions as a human, walking upright, and dressed in bell bottoms, head band, and other hippie regalia. Hot Dog pontificates...

HOT DOG: It's strange being a human being - after you enjoy all those wild things - then what??? There must be more to life than this!!!
[Hot Dog wanders into a Christian discussion group]
CHRISTIAN MAN: Welcome - there's just one thing that separates man from animal -
HOT DOG: He's speaking to me!
CHRISTIAN MAN: Animals can eat and think and communicate to a degree - just as man does - but they can't worship!
HOT DOG: Worship? What's that?
CHRISTIAN MAN: Animals just aren't capable of faith!
HOT DOG: Faith???
CHRISTIAN MAN: And without faith man becomes an animal!"

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I was a teenage Tim Tebow by Syler Thomas

Pastor Syler Thomas will be our guest at 16th Street for post-show dialogue after Accidental Rapture this Thursday, February 9.

Enjoy his article in yesterday's Tribune: I was a teenage Tim Tebow.

It is funny and moving.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

So many Raptures... so little time!

I really enjoyed this article written by Ken Trainor in Oak Park's Wednesday Journal and wanted to share it with you: Looking for Rapture in All the Wrong Places

Post-show dialogues begin this Thursday and continue every Thursday and Friday following the performance of Eric Pfeffinger's ACCIDENTAL RAPTURE through February 18.

See you at 16th Street!